Privacy Policy - Parrot Workout Tracker

1 Introduction

This privacy policy governs the use of "Parrot Workout Tracker" (referred to as "the App"), developed and offered by Softwareentwicklung und Vermarktung Corey Kreiniker (referred to as "we," "us," or "our"). The App is available for download on the Google Play Store. This policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect the information obtained from users of the App.

At "Parrot Workout Tracker," we understand the importance of privacy and are committed to safeguarding the personal information of our users. This policy explains the types of data we collect and how it is used. Please note that the data you enter into the App, including workout routines and fitness progress, is primarily stored locally on your device. We do not have access to or store your data on our own servers. However, it's important to be aware that certain functionalities may involve the collection of additional data by third-party services beyond our control. By using the App, you agree to the terms and practices described in this privacy policy.

2 Types of Information Collected

2.1 Parrot Workout Tracker

"Parrot Workout Tracker" collects the following types of information:

  1. Workout Data: The app stores workout-related data entered by the user, including workout routines, completed workouts, exercise details (such as exercise names, sets, rest times, and notes), and other relevant workout information.
  2. Health Data: The app allows users to input health-related data, such as body weight, body fat percentage, and other body measurements. This sensitive health data is treated with utmost confidentiality and is stored solely on the user's device. At no point is this health data deliberately transferred to third parties.
  3. User Settings: The app also stores user settings, which include preferences and configurations set by the user within the application settings.
  4. Google Health Connect: If the user chooses to use the Google Health Connect feature, the app may share completed workouts, body measurements, and an approximation of active calories burned with Google Health Connect. However, it's important to note that the app does not deliberately transfer any user-entered data, especially sensitive health data, to other third parties. Please refer to Google's privacy policy for more information on how they handle and protect your data. The use of information received from Health Connect will adhere to the Health Connect Permissions policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

2.2 Third Party Services

In addition to the above, "Parrot Workout Tracker" utilizes the following third-party services:

  • Google Play: The app integrates with Google Play for in-app purchases and payment processing. The collection and processing of payment-related information is governed by Google Play's privacy policy.
  • Google AdMob: The app incorporates Google AdMob to serve advertisements. AdMob may collect certain information to deliver personalized ads. Please refer to Google's privacy policy for details on how AdMob handles user data.
  • Firebase: We use Firebase, a Google service, for various functionalities within the app:
    • Crashlytics: Firebase Crashlytics is used to gather crash data and diagnostic information to identify and fix issues in the app.
    • Firebase Cloud Messaging: This service enables us to send communication messages to users for developer updates or important announcements.
    • Remote Config: Firebase Remote Config is used to store certain app configuration files in the cloud, allowing us to remotely change specific app settings or behavior.
    • Firebase Performance Monitoring: We utilize Firebase Performance Monitoring to monitor the performance of the app and gather analytics related to app performance and usage.
  • Google Analytics: Google Analytics provides additional analytic data to help us understand user behavior, app usage, and improve our services. This information is used in an aggregated and anonymized form.
  • AppsFlyer: The app integrates with AppsFlyer for mobile attribution and marketing analytics. AppsFlyer may collect information to provide analytics on the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Please refer to AppsFlyer's privacy policy for details on how they handle user data.

Please note that while we take steps to protect the information collected, the practices of these third-party services are governed by their respective privacy policies. We encourage you to review their policies for more information on how they handle user data.

3 Use of Collected Information

3.1 General Application Data

The information collected by "Parrot Workout Tracker" is primarily used for the following purposes:

  1. Performance Statistics and App Functionality: The collected information, including workout data, health data, and user settings, is primarily used to generate performance statistics and provide similar app functionalities. These performance statistics are aimed at helping users track their progress, stay motivated, and achieve their fitness goals. It is important to note that all statistics are created and stored solely on the user's device. There is currently no external evaluation of data, and the generated statistics exist only within the application on the user's device.
  2. Google Health Connect: If the user chooses to connect with Google Health Connect, additional data may be created outside the application that does not solely reside on the user's device. This includes sharing completed workouts, body measurements, and an approximation of active calories burned with Google Health Connect. However, it is important to reiterate that this additional data transfer occurs only when the user actively connects to Google Health Connect, and it is not a default behavior of the application.
  3. Crash Reports and Analytics: "Parrot Workout Tracker" incorporates services such as Google Crashlytics for crash reporting and Google Analytics for additional analytics data. The data collected during crash reports is managed and defined by Google Crashlytics, while the analytics data is processed by Google Analytics. These services provide valuable insights into app performance and stability, allowing for continuous improvements and bug fixes. It is important to note that the data collected during crash reports and analytics is handled according to the respective privacy policies of Google Crashlytics and Google Analytics.

At no point does "Parrot Workout Tracker" engage in the external evaluation or sharing of user-entered data, especially sensitive health data, without the user's explicit consent. The collected information is primarily used to enhance the user experience, provide personalized insights, and enable similar app functionalities, all while maintaining the privacy and security of the data on the user's device.

3.2 Backup and Import of Application Data

"Parrot Workout Tracker" provides users with the ability to backup and import their application data. This feature allows users to create backups of their workout data, health data, and user settings, which can then be imported into the application at a later time.

It is important to note that the responsibility for storing and managing these backups lies solely with the user. The location where these backups are stored, such as local device storage or cloud storage services, is determined and controlled by the user. "Parrot Workout Tracker" does not store or manage these backups in any way, and therefore, the privacy and security of the backup data are the user's sole responsibility.

Users are encouraged to exercise caution and choose secure storage options when creating backups of their application data. Additionally, it is recommended to regularly create backups and store them in a safe and secure location to prevent data loss or unauthorized access.

4 Data Security

"Parrot Workout Tracker" takes data security seriously and employs industry-standard practices to protect user data. All data that is stored on the user's device, including workout data, health data, and user settings, is stored using Android's Room Database or Android DataStore.

It is important to note that these storage solutions do not inherently encrypt the data stored on the device. Therefore, it is the sole responsibility of the user to take appropriate measures to restrict unauthorized access to their device. Users are advised to implement device-level security measures, such as device passcodes, biometric authentication, or encryption, to protect their data from unauthorized access.

"Parrot Workout Tracker" emphasizes that all userdata is stored locally on the user's device, and the security and protection of this data rest solely with the user. It is crucial for users to keep their device and the data stored within it secure to prevent any unauthorized access or data breaches.

"Parrot Workout Tracker" advises users to exercise caution and avoid entering any sensitive or personally identifiable information into the application. While the app takes measures to ensure the security of stored data on the user's device, it is always recommended to refrain from entering sensitive information, such as financial details, personal identification numbers, or sensitive health information, into the application.

By refraining from entering sensitive information, users can further safeguard their personal data and minimize any potential risks associated with storing sensitive information within the app. It is the user's responsibility to exercise caution and discretion when providing any personal or sensitive information within the application.

5 User Control and Rights

Users of "Parrot Workout Tracker" have the following control and rights regarding their data:

  1. Data Deletion: Users are free to delete the application at any time, which will result in the deletion of all data collected by the app, excluding any backup data managed by the user. It is important to note that data deletion is permanent and cannot be recovered once deleted. Any data that was transferred to Google Health Connect may need to be deleted separately.
  2. Backup and Import: Users have the option to backup and import their application data. However, it is important to emphasize that the location where the backup is stored is solely the responsibility of the user. "Parrot Workout Tracker" does not store any backup data on its servers or any external storage. Users are advised to handle their backup data securely to prevent unauthorized access or loss.
  3. Contact: For any further inquiries, questions, or concerns regarding privacy or data protection, users can contact us at We strive to respond to user queries in a timely manner and provide necessary assistance regarding privacy-related matters.

6 Third-Party Services and Links

  1. Google Play: The app utilizes Google Play and Google Billing for in-app purchases and payment processing.
  2. Google AdMob: Google AdMob is used for serving ads within the application.
  3. Firebase: The app integrates with Firebase services for various functionalities. This includes Crashlytics for gathering crash data, Firebase Cloud Messaging for developer communication messages, Remote Config for storing app configuration files in the cloud, and Firebase Performance Monitoring for monitoring the app's performance.
  4. Google Analytics: The app utilizes Google Analytics for additional analytics data.

Please note that these third-party services play a role in supporting certain features and functionalities within the app, as described in the privacy policy.

In addition to the third-party services mentioned above, the Parrot Workout Tracker application utilizes various third-party libraries to enhance its features and functionality. These libraries play a vital role in improving the overall performance and user experience of the application. While we carefully select and review these libraries for reliability and security, it's important to note that their usage is governed by their respective terms and privacy policies. These third-party libraries contribute to aspects such as user interface, data storage, analytics, crash reporting, and other essential development components.

We assure you that the usage of these third-party libraries is limited to the specific needs and functionality of the application. It does not involve the collection or transfer of user data to these libraries or their developers. Your privacy and data security remain our top priority.

Should you have any concerns or questions regarding the third-party libraries used in the application, please don't hesitate to contact us at We are here to address any inquiries or provide further information.

7 Children’s Privacy

"The Parrot Workout Tracker application is not directed at children and is intended for individuals aged 13 and older. We do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the age of 13. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us immediately at We encourage parents to monitor their children's usage of the application and ensure that individuals between the ages of 13 and 18 use the application responsibly and with appropriate guidance."

8 Updates to the Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time as necessary. Any updates to the privacy policy will be indicated within the app settings with a notification indicator. However, the notification indicator should not be solely relied upon, and it is the user's responsibility to regularly review the privacy policy for any updates. By continuing to use the Parrot Workout Tracker application after any modifications to this privacy policy, you acknowledge and agree to the updated terms.

9 Contact Information

Should you have any questions, concerns, or inquiries regarding this privacy policy or the Parrot Workout Tracker application, you may contact us via the following methods:


Postal Address:
Softwareentwicklung und Vermarktung Corey Kreiniker

In den Langen Ruthen 14

67661 Kaiserslautern


At Parrot Workout Tracker, we take your data privacy seriously. We do not collect any unnecessary data and strive to provide a secure and reliable workout tracking experience. Your data is primarily stored on your device, and we do not intentionally transfer or share it with third parties without your explicit consent.

If you have any further questions, concerns, or feedback regarding your privacy or the Parrot Workout Tracker application, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to assist you and ensure that your workout tracking journey is enjoyable and worry-free.

Thank you for choosing Parrot Workout Tracker, and we appreciate your trust in us.